Vitestro is a fast-growing medical robotic company. We are the first in the world to develop a fully autonomous blood-drawing device using a combination of state-of-the-art A.I. and robotics. With our multidisciplinary team of >30 people we strive to innovate and improve clinical diagnostics, increasing resilience of our healthcare systems. To strengthen our team, we are looking for a DevOps engineer, who is as passionate about developing medical robotic systems as we are.


As a DevOps Engineer, you will work in an agile environment to support our software development life cycle of our medical device. You will work on a variety of topics, ranging from managing the continuous integration/continuous deployment infrastructure, virtualization and configuration management. Of course, you are always happy to help with the other activities, like, building the device operating system, quality monitoring, data management, network/cyber security, support during clinical evaluations, and various other topics.

You always keep in mind that you are developing a medical device. Patient safety and regulatory requirements are therefore paramount. A considerable part of your work will therefore be spent on reviews, testing, documentation and quality management.

You will work frequently outside your comfort zone, with a lot of different novel technologies. In addition, you will collaborate with different disciplines.

Job requirements



For more details on this job:
contact Luuk Giesen: luuk.giesen@vitestro.com

Recruitment agencies: we are not looking to collaborate.

Vitestro is a fast-growing medical robotic company. We are the first in the world to develop a fully autonomous blood-drawing device using a combination of state-of-the-art A.I. and robotics. With our multidisciplinary team of >30 people we strive to innovate and improve clinical diagnostics. COVID-19 has showed that we have reached the limits of healthcare capacity. Vitestro takes a first step towards addressing one of the most urgent societal problems with technology, increasing resilience of our healthcare systems.

Our new recruiter

At Vitestro we strongly believe that for our company to be successful, we must surround ourselves with the best people in every field. This is reflected by our highly skilled team and our demanding application process. Up to this point, we have distributed the recruitment efforts amongst our team members, with the help of interim recruiters. Now the time has come for a full-time recruiter to join our team. This is an opportunity for anyone who is driven by purpose and wants to truly contribute to the transformation of healthcare.

As a tech recruiter your job will be to lead our candidate selection and hiring process, being responsible for full-cycle recruitment. You will be in touch with highly skilled candidates whom you’ll excite and convince to join our mission to transform healthcare with intuitive, autonomous technology. You will ensure a fantastic candidate experience, contributing to Vitestro’s growth in the years to come. Vitestro has the ambition to double in size in the next two years, launching our products all over Europe. 


Your key tasks are to:

Our ideal candidate:

Job requirements



This position is also open to exceptional and driven graduates, who will be trained on the job.

What do we offer?

Note: we are NOT looking to work with interim recruiters or recruitment agencies. 


At Vitestro, we are developing an autonomous blood drawing device. Given the global population growth and shortages of healthcare personnel, we strongly believe our innovation will create a lasting, positive impact for clinical diagnostics. 

To strengthen our software development team, we are looking for a Junior/Medior Software Test Engineer, who is as passionate about developing medical robotic systems as we are.

Job description

As Junior/Medior Test Engineer, you will be responsible for testing in one of our software scrum teams. You will ensure that all software developed by your team follows our quality guidelines and adheres to the system- and regulatory requirements. This may include assisting the software engineers to implement/refactor test cases and/or do this yourself.
You make sure the test cases are executed regularly and proactively monitor the results. Naturally, you strive to automate the test cases as much as possible, to improve our continuous integration and deployment environment.

At the end of each development cycle, you will help with system verification/validation. You will make sure all results are reported and anomalies are processed according to our development procedures.

Grasp your opportunity

This position is also open for software engineers wishing to develop themselves as a strong Software Test Engineer, without previous experience in testing.  We will make sure that, in a short period of time, you become a test engineer that understands and masters all relevant aspects of software testing. However, it is important that you are already proficient in Python.

Why continue your career as a Software Test engineer at Vitestro? 

Job requirements

Your profile



Recruitment agencies: we are not looking to collaborate.


Vitestro is a fast-growing medical robotic company. We are the first in the world to develop a fully autonomous blood-drawing device. The venipuncture device uses infrared and ultrasound to localize the vein in the arm of the patient. A robotic positioning system controls the interaction between the ultrasound probe and the arm of the patient, while an ultrasound probe creates a 3D image of the vein using artificial intelligence (a.i.). The optimal insertion location is determined by the software algorithms to position the needle in the middle of the vein of the patient and draw its blood.

Vitestro develops and tests its technology in clinical trials performed at several hospitals. With our multidisciplinary team of >35 people we strive to innovate and improve clinical diagnostics, increasing resilience of our healthcare systems.


As project leader, you will be responsible for facilitating the agile software development process, assisting the software teams in delivering value, aligning with the stakeholders, and driving for improvements, this includes:

Personal fit

As our ideal candidate:

Job requirements

What is your must-have skillset?

  • >8 years demonstrated experience in leading software teams
  • Senior leadership skills to empower the software team and increase output
  • Is able to zoom out on product level, but also zoom in to important details which could be road blocking
  • Master’s degree (MSc) or Bachelors degree (BSc), preferably in software development

What is your nice-to-have skillset?

  • Experience with IEC 62304

What do we offer?

  • Competitive salary including pension plan
  • Stock options, to become ‘co-owner’ of a fast-growing company
  • An awesome working environment, with highly ambitious and talented people
  • Down-to-earth culture with many out-of-work activities

What do you need to know before applying?

You will have a key role in one of the most promising scale-ups in the Netherlands, you will report to the Head of engineering. We need a go-getter who enjoys reaching its goals. This position is demanding and requires your full focus.

Recruitment agencies: we are not looking to collaborate.


Who we are 

Vitestro will be the first to bring autonomous blood drawing technology to European hospitals. Blood drawing, performed billions of times per year worldwide, is key to clinical diagnosis. Given the mounting shortages of healthcare personnel and global population growth, there is a clear need for a future-proof system to guarantee continuity of care.

To help solve this problem we are developing an autonomous blood drawing device. We are the first in the world to develop a fully autonomous blood-drawing device using a combination of state-of-the-art A.I. and robotics. The venipuncture device uses infrared and ultrasound to localize the vein in the arm of the patient. A robotic positioning system controls the interaction between the ultrasound probe and the arm of the patient, while an ultrasound probe creates a 3D image of the vein using artificial intelligence (A.I.). The optimal insertion location is determined by the software algorithms to position the robotic needle insertion in the middle of the vein, ensuring accurate and secure blood collection. The procedure is performed fully automatically, from tourniquet to bandage application.

We are ambitious and strongly believe that we have only just started. Technology lies at our core: multidisciplinary team primarily consists of highly specialized hardware and software engineers. We also have our own medical team, driving clinical trials together with our clinical partners. 

About the job

As a RA Officer at Vitestro you are responsible for you will be responsible for all the Regulatory Affairs within the company. With an emphasis on regulatory strategy and technical file documentation. Several regulatory consultants are involved, each with their own expertise (such as: clinical validation, biocompatibility) to help us crack the most difficult regulatory challenge. There are no comparable devices on the market; Vitestro will be the first company in the world to receive CE and in the future FDA approval on this device. Your timing is perfect: you will be joining Vitestro during probably the most interesting RA period in time as the next 12 months will be incredibly important. Additionally, Vitestro will explore its FDA strategy to prepare for a potential FDA submission. The system consists of a variety of subsystems and disposables, which each bring their own technical, clinical and regulatory challenges.

What we are looking for

What we offer

We need a go-getter who enjoys solving one of the toughest challenges. We are looking for someone who gets enthusiastic about reaching our goals as a team. A fit with our team values is important which are: Contribution to Patient care, Realizing breakthroughs, Team play, Ownership & Dedication, and Champions League (playing at the highest level).

For questions, please contact Mandla Malaba, mandla.malaba@vitestro.com.

For recruitment agencies – no thank you.


Vitestro is a fast-growing medical robotic company. We are the first in the world to develop a fully autonomous blood-drawing device using a combination of state-of-the-art A.I. and robotics. With our multidisciplinary team of >30 people we strive to innovate and improve clinical diagnostics, increasing resilience of our healthcare systems.

To strengthen our software development team, we are looking for a Senior Control Software Engineer, who is as passionate about developing medical robotic systems as we are.


As Senior Control Software Engineer, you will work in one of our scrum teams to develop the C++ software for our medical device. You will work on a variety of topics. You will be closely involved in the hardware-software integration which requires close collaboration with our systems/mechanical and electrical engineers. The software needs to run real-time and the hardware module needs to be integrated smoothly with the rest of the system. This will give you a broad overview of our system architecture.

Part of the work will also include developing/maintaining the tooling/infrastructure for visualization, verification, and validation. Last but not least, your code needs to be robust because we are developing a medical device. Patient safety and regulation requirements are paramount.

Job requirements

Who are we looking for? Somebody who…

What is your must-have skillset?

What is your nice-to-have skillset?

What do we offer?

Note: we are NOT looking to work with interim recruiters or recruitment agencies.


Vitestro is a fast-growing medical robotic company. We are the first in the world to develop a fully autonomous blood-drawing device using a combination of state-of-the-art A.I. and robotics. With our multidisciplinary team of >30 people we strive to innovate and improve clinical diagnostics, increasing resilience of our healthcare systems.

To strengthen our software development team, we are looking for a junior/medior C++ Software Engineer, who is as passionate about developing medical robotic systems as we are.


As Control Software Engineer, you will work in one of our scrum teams to develop the C++ software for our medical device. You will work on a variety of topics. You will be closely involved in the hardware-software integration which requires close collaboration with our systems/mechanical and electrical engineers. The software needs to run real-time and the hardware module needs to be integrated smoothly with the rest of the system. This will give you a broad overview of our system architecture.

Part of the work will also include developing/maintaining the tooling/infrastructure for visualization, verification, and validation. Last but not least, your code needs to be robust because we are developing a medical device. Patient safety and regulation requirements are paramount.

In short: this is a very broad role which will boost your skillset tremendously! You will be coached by highly experienced software engineers, each with a proven track-record in their field of expertise.

Job requirements

Who are we looking for? Somebody who…

What is your must-have skillset?

What is your nice-to-have skillset?

What do we offer?

Note: we are NOT looking to work with interim recruiters or recruitment agencies.
